
Penggantian kabin depan mobil Colt T120

Oleh :
Arfian Nur Rohmat Saputro - I8606024 - Fak. Teknik

ABSTRACT The objective of the replacement and installment of anterior cabin of colt car is to find out the process and procedure of body repairing of a car. Thus, the process of repairing body of a car can be understood generally. The process of replacement and installment of anterior cabin of Col was done in Special Painting and Body Workshop in Mojosongo. The working process include cutting and replacing the anterior cabin, welding and installing the anterior cabin, panting and finishing, installing the steer and brake, and installing interior and exterior equipment of Colt car. The result obtained from the body repairing process is the improved appearance, protection of body surface in long-term, providing the safety and comfort in driving, as well as affecting the economic value of car. The cost spent in this process reaches Rp. 5,643,450, with 3-months working duration. From the result of analysis on the calculation of bolt strength, when the car runs with maximum acceleration, when the car turns right left, and during the braking, it can be found that the bolt shifting and pulling strengths occurring is lower than the approved standard for bolt ST-37 material, that is for the pulling strength ( t) the approved standard is 440 N/mm2 and for shifting strength (S), the approved standard is 240 N/mm2. Similarly, from the result of weld strength calculation, it is obtained the pulling strength ( t) of 0.14 Mpa and the result of calculation is lower than the approved standard of pulling strength of material (safe).