Pastry division at Sahid Jaya Hotel Surakarta: it’s function to Sekar Jagad and Ratu Ratih Restaurant
Oleh :
Ita Puji Hastuti - C9306059 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This final project is written based on my job training activities as a Trainee
in Pastry Department in Sahid Jaya Hotel Surakarta. This final project report
explorers The Role of Pastry Department and the significance of Pastry
Department to the other Departments at Sahid Jaya Hotel Surakarta.
Food and Beverage Department has many subdivisions are responsible to
maintain each division duties. One of the divisions is Pastry, working under Food
and Beverage Product Division (Kitchen). This Department is responsible to
produce and provide bakery and desert products for the hotel. Pastry department
has many roles to the other department and outlet. There were some problems
found out during the training process in Pastry Department at Sahid Jaya Hotel
Surakarta. The Problems are limited worker, broken device, lack supplies and
order product.