
Evaluasi sistem penjualan kredit pada PT. Dexa Inti Utama Banaran, Karanganyar

Oleh :
Chrisnanto Agung Pratomo - F3305027 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

ABSTRACT Selling is the main activity of company, in addition cash or credit. Credit selling has been chosen by many customers. The problems in credit selling can be solved with a good credit selling account information system, which is we for record and report the condition in company, create a trusted report, and also for electing. The purpose of the research is to know the real condition about credit selling account information system in Dexa Inti Utama Corporation. The methodology of this research was use literature review and interview. The systematic that were used include the function, document, account note, the procedure that create system, the base system of intern controllization, and the diagram. The writer compares the theory from standard accounting information system with the real condition in Dexa Inti Utama Corporation. From evaluation, the writer found advantages and disadvantages from Account Information System in Dexa Inti Utama Corporation. Based that weakness the writer gives suggestions to make a better Account Information System in Dexa Inti Utama Corporation.