The use of software games to improve students’ vocabulary mastery
Oleh :
Yulianto - K2205044 - Fak. KIP
The writer believes that mastering vocabulary is a basic need in order to
use language correctly and properly in communication. Though based on his
lifetime experience, he finds that vocabulary has been a problem in English lesson
and that it needs improvement from the earlier stage of education. After
conducting pre-research, he found that vocabulary problems remained in the four
grade of SDN Karangputat 01. Then he found the possible solution after knowing
that the school got software games donated by the education authority in the area.
Because of this, he decided to write the thesis about the topic.
This thesis is written to solve problems that appear in the teaching and
learning vocabulary so that the students can improve their attention, enthusiasm,
and motivation in learning vocabulary, get good scores in vocabulary test, can
remember, grasp and understand the meaning of words easily, can spell and
pronounce words correctly. Then at the end, the students’ vocabulary mastery can
be improved by using software games. The method used in this research is action
research. The research was conducted in two cycles from April 17th
until June 3rd
2009 on the fourth grade of SDN Karangputat 01, Cilacap. The research data are
collected by using both observational techniques and non-observational
techniques. The observational techniques include classroom observation to record
the events in meetings, and peer-observation to observe the students’ behaviour
and vocabulary mastery progress performed by students during meetings. The
non-observational techniques include oral test and written test that are conducted
to support the data from observation. Audio recording and photographs are also
taken during the implementation of the research to provide more accurate
supporting data. The data are analyzed through re-reading the field note, the
observation report, and justified in referent of standard achievement target which
had been stated before the research.
The research findings prove that software games is an effective medium or
teaching aid in teaching vocabulary to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.
The research findings include: 1) The quality of teaching learning process was
improved by using software games. Known from the observation, from the first
time the computer and software games are introduced to the students until the end
of the action, it was a magnet of students’ attention. From day to day after it had
been used, students participated in class activity more and more especially in
cycle 2 while the students were working in a group in a competition. The software
games’ features were really useful aid to help teacher in drilling pronunciation and
making students grasp words meaning in an interesting way. Because of this, it was easier for the students to be controlled. From the beginning until the end of
the action, classroom situation was conducive. Students in fact did not get bored
with the lesson; 2) Software games in English class does improve the students’
vocabulary mastery. Proved by the observation report, students’ spelling and
pronunciation improved meeting by meeting, then at the end of the research, their
spelling and pronunciation of the words they had met was satisfactory. The
problem in memorizing the meaning of the words they had met was also reduced
meeting by meeting, then at the end of the research, there was no one having real
problem in memorizing the meaning of the words by using software games.