Evaluasi tingkat kepatuhan pelaporan SPT tahunan wajib pajak orang pribadi tahun 2008 di kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Karanganyar
Oleh :
Ahmad Baihaqi - F3407081 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Tax is a duty contribution to the country that must be payed by personal or
corporation who had compulsed characteristic based on legislative, with no retaine
directly and used to country necessary for wealthy citizen.
The purpose of this research is to know how is the level of SPT obedient
reporting by personal tax payer in KPP Pratama Karanganyar, besides the purpose
of this research is to know the step that taken by KPP Pratama Karanganyar to
increase the obedient of personal tax payer in his activity of work.
This research was taken by interview method, observation method and
literature. Based on the result of this research, the level of SPT obedient reporting
by personal tax payer in KPP Pratama Karanganyar has completed the target who
was given by Direktorat Jenderal Pajak.
The writer give recomendation for the future to all people who have
otoritation in Direktorat Jendral Pajak to make the services and the payment of tax
administratition system can be easy, so the Tax Payer will not get trouble about
their tax payable payment. That is hope to increase the level of SPT obedient
reporting by personal tax payer in KPP Pratama Karanganyar.