Pembuatan media pembelajaran berbasis internet dengan cms
Oleh :
Anggo Ari Wibowo - M3107009 - Fak. MIPA
Internet based learning media is a long distance learning application using
internet as the media. With this application one can resolve the main problem in
ordinary learning method, such as difficulty when asking to the teacher, and
telling critics to the teacher. With this application, ordinary learning method can
be changed into new learning method with fun and easy way. The aim of this
research to build internet based learning media.
This internet based learning media was made with PHP programming
language, MySQL, and JavaScript. This application was facilitated with
customizable module, for example course description, tasks, simple quiz, and
Based on the research, it can be concluded that internet based learning
media can help the learning process and resolve the main problem in ordinary
learning method.
Keywords : Internet Based Learning Media, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript