Faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat penerimaan pajak bumi dan bangunan kabupaten Boyolali
Oleh :
Sri Wigati - F3407067 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Tax is one source of government revenue to promote development.in order to
increase tax revenue sector, particularly land and building tax is either in the
government, the authors conducted a study on factors that may affect the level of
property tax revenue in Boyolali distric.
Observations carried out in accordance with the situation in the region
DPPKAD boyolali. Author of the research method used is the technique of data
analysis, observation, documentation, and bibliography.collection system that is
used is in conformity with the law even though there are things that are not in
accordance with the provisions of the Law No.12 year 1985 had been converted
into law no 12 of 1994.
Recommendations for the author to be more active DPPKAD provide
extension / dissemination to the taxpayer to meet his tax.and always monitor the
accuracy of the data owned KPP Pratama and DPPKAD.