
Sistem informasi persediaan obat di palang merah Indonesia cabang kota Surakarta

Oleh :
Firly Yunisda Hasibuan - M3107087 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

ABSTRACT Drug inventory information system is designed to facilitate the employee's job Surakarta City Polyclinic Branch PMI data in managing medical supplies. The objective of this thesis is to create an information system to record computer- based medical supplies in an effective, efficient, and structured so that it can help smooth the employee's job Surakarta City Polyclinic Branch PMI.  This information system refers to the conditions and activities at the Polyclinic PMI employees in managing medical supplies. The method of writing data collected include observations, interviews, and documentary media.  This information system using Borland Delphi 7.0 and Microsoft Access 2007 as its database. This system can be used to store the drug data, exit-entry of drug transactions, and to monitor the condition of existing inventory in the warehouse.  Keywords : information system, medicine stock, indonesian red cross, borland delphi 7.0, and microsoft access 2007.