
Pembuatan website berita D3 Ilmu Komputer berbasis desktop dan mobile dengan php dan mysql

Oleh :
Mahfud Iskandarwanto - M3107102 - Fak. MIPA

ABSTRACT Website is one service that can be used by computer users connected to the Internet. Website allows computer users to interact with other Internet users and browse the information in the internet network. The purpose of this study was to Building Desktop and Mobile News Website at DIII Computer Science with PHP and MYSQL. This website has created a system that has the facilities the latest news, downloads, announcements and website management system for administrators. This application is made by using programming language PHP, MySQL, WML and several programming languages support them is HTML, CSS, javascript and AJAX. According to the construction of Building Desktop and Mobile News Website at DIII Computer Science with PHP and MYSQL, we can conclude that be system information has already been implemented at DIII Computer Science, Mathematics and Siences Faculty, Sebelas Maret University of Surakarta. Keywords: news website.