The promotion strategies of disbudpar Surakarta in developing the tourism in Surakarta
Oleh :
Mifta Amalia Kurniasari - C9306131 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This final project report is written based on the job training which was been done at DISBUDPAR Surakarta. The objectives of this report are to describes the promotion strategies of DISBUDPAR Surakarta, to find out the problems faced by DISBUDPAR Surakarta and the solutions to the problems faced by DISBUDPAR Surakarta in developing tourism in Surakarta. The data of this report are taken from observation and library study by collecting information from books, document, interview and other reliable literatures.
Based on the observation conducted, conclusion can be drawn that DISBUDPAR did various promotion activities which are done continuously and organized. Promotion is done in order to create awareness among public about tourist attraction and also improve the tourist visit at Surakarta. There are several promotion activities done by DISBUDPAR, opening TIC, promoting tourism attraction, holding events and participating in national and international events, carrying out annual putra-putri Solo, and making coordination with other entertainment places.
In relation to developing surakarta tourism, DISBUDPAR faced several problems. There are problem related to budget, bureaucracy and human resources. Therefore, the implementation of promotion activities by DISBUDPAR that were supported by proper budget, simple procedural administration system and reorganizing the schedule of DISBUDPAR officer is needed to develop surakarta tourism.