
Evaluasi pelayanan samsat keliling terhadap kepuasan wajib pajak (studi kasus pada up3ad samsat Surakarta)

Oleh :
Niko Afiyanto - F3407054 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

ABSTRACT Taxation is a source of government revenue used to finance development. One of the Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB). PKB is a local tax to finance local households and general welfare. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the Itinerant SAMSAT keliling service to determine community satisfaction and revenue growth of the sector PKB Itinerant SAMSAT keliling. This research was conducted with the method of observation and documentation. Observation of direct observation of the object being studied. Documentation that is collecting data from SAMSAT keliling reports Surakarta. Based on research results, services provided by Itinerant Surakarta SAMSAT keliling is good. And the public is very enthusiastic since the operation of a Mobile SAMSAT keliling because assessed very practical and very helpful. The author provides recommendations to SAMSAT keliling Itinerant Surakarta in an effort to boost service. Itinerant SAMSAT keliling party should add to the fleet so that all locations can be achieved and increase the types of service in order to get more leverage from revenue PKB Itinerant SAMSAT keliling sector. Keyword: IKM, penerimaan PKB, pelayanan SAMSAT Keliling, kesimpulan, saran.