
Efektifitas proses penyelesaian barang impor melalui dokumen pemberitahuan impor barang (pib) secara manual dengan jaringan pertukaran data elektronik pada kantor Pengawasan dan Pelayanan Tipe Madya Pabean Semarang

Oleh :
Nur Hadi Wicaksono - F3107073 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

ABSTRACT This research aims to find out the import goods settlement process through manually goods import notification (PIB) document, in electronic means through Electronic Data Interchange Network and the advantage of goods settlement through Electronic Data Exchange Network in madya (medium) type of Semarang Customs Supervising and Service Office. The research method employed was descriptive analysis, because it describes the condition of a research object studied and obtained through collecting completely the primary, secondary data and document taken from the research location. In addition, methods of collecting data employed were interview, library research, and observation. From the result of research, it can be found that the import goods settlement process through manually goods import notification (PIB) document in madya (medium) type of Semarang Customs Supervising and Service Office is regulated based on the Decree of Customs General Director Number: KEP-68/BC/2003. Meanwhile the import goods settlement process using Electronic Data Exchange Network is regulated based on the Decree of Customs General Director Number: P-08/BC/2009 the Amendment of Decree of Customs General Director Number: P-08/BC/2008 about the Instruction of the implementation of Imported Goods Release For Use. In addition, it can be seen the advantage of the import goods settlement process in electronic means through Electronic Data Interchange Network compared with that done manually. To smooth the imported goods withdrawal through a tight legally regulation consistent with Legislation, the presence of special training for importer in using the application of electronic data interchange, so that the goods importing will be more easy and well. The regulation of import goods settlement process through manually goods import notification (PIB) document can remain to be optimized. Keywords: Import document, PDE, and Manual