
Arthur dimmesdale’s hypocrisy as a puritan clergyman in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter (a sociological approach)

Oleh :
Nurin Anitasari - C0305054 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

Kemunafikan adalah salah satu persoalan sosial yang biasa terdapat dalam karya sastra. Karakater Arthur Dimmesdale dalam The Scarlet Letter karya Nathaniel Hawthorne merupakan salah satu karakter yang merepresentasikan persoalan sosial tentang kemunafikan. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada kemunafikan Arthur Dimmesdale berdasarkan status sosialnya sebagai pendeta Puritan dan reaksi masyarakat Puritan yang merupakan masyarakat dimana dia tinggal. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah novel karya Nathaniel Hawthorne yang berjudul The Scarlet Letter. Data utama diambil dari sumber data yang mengimplikasikan kemunafikan Arthur Dimmesale beserta reaksi dari masyarakat Puritan. Data utama dianalisis bersama dengan data pendukung yang diambil dari buku-buku, artikel, essai, kritik sastra, dan tulisan lain yang berkaitan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif pustaka. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi untuk mengetahui hubungan sosial dalam novel yang berkaitan dengan kemunafikan Arthur Dimmesdale dan reaksi masyarakat Puritan. Dari penelitian tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Arthur Dimmesdale adalah seorang pendeta Puritan yang munafik. Kemunafikanya diwujudkan dalam kehidupan parokinya. Kemunafikannya disebabkan oleh peran dari status sosialnya sebagai pendeta Puritan dan harapan masyarakat terhadap sosoknya sebagai pendeta Puritan. Kemunafikannya menimbulkan rasa bersalah yang membuat hidupnya sedih dan menyakitkan. Sebelum rahasinya terungkap, masyarakat Puritan menghormatinya dan menunjukkan sikap baik padanya. Herannya, ketika rahasianya terungkap, masyarakat Puritan tetap menghormatinya dan bersimpati padanya karena Dimmesdale telah melakukan banyak kebaikan dalam menjalankan tugas parokinya. ABSTRACT Hypocrisy is one of the social issues contained within the literary work. Arthur Dimmesdale, the main character in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne represents the social issues of hypocrisy. The research is focused on Arthur Dimmesdale’s hypocrisy dealing with his social status as a Puritan clergyman and the Puritan society’s reaction to his hypocrisy. The thesis is aimed at finding out the relation between Dimmesdale’s hypocrisy and his social status as well as the relation between his hypocrisy and the society he belongs to. The source of data of the research was a novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne entitled The Scarlet Letter. The main data were taken from the source of data that implied Dimmesdale’s hypocrisy and the Puritan society’s reaction. The main data were analyzed based on the supporting data which were taken from books, articles, essays, critics, and other related writings. The thesis was a descriptive qualitative library research. The researcher used sociological approach to find out the social implication in the novel dealing with Dimmesdale’s hypocrisy and the Puritan society’s reaction. From the research, it is found that Arthur Dimmesdale is a hypocrite Puritan clergyman. He manifests his hypocrisy in his parochial life. His hypocrisy is caused by the role of his social status as a Puritan clergyman and the Puritan society’s expectation on his figure as a Puritan clergyman. His hypocrisy causes guilt which then affects his life to be miserable and torturing. Before Dimmesdale’s secret was revealed, the Puritan society showed their respect and good manner to him. Surprisingly, after his revelation, instead of giving negative reaction, the Puritan society still keeps respecting him and gives him sympathy since Dimmesdale has made good deeds in running his parochial duty.