

Perbandingan efektivitas kombinasi chlorhexidine gluconate cetrimide-alkohol 70%-povidone iodine 10% dengan chlorhexidine gluconate cetrimide - povidone iodine 10% sebagai antiseptik terhadap penurunan kepadatan kuman pada operasi fraktur tertutup elekti

Oleh :
Wahyu Purnomo - S404001 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Abstrak Latar belakang Sterilisasi kulit secara sempurna tidak mungkin dilakukan1. Infeksi bakteri sesudah operasi biasanya diakibatkan oleh mikroorganisme flora normal kulit1,penelitian ini ingin mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan kombinasi antiseptik Clorhexidine gluconate-Alcohol 70%- Povidone iodine 10% (CAP) dan Clorhexidine gluconate- Povidone iodine 10%(CP) pada fraktur tertutup simpel elektif terhadap jumlah penurunan koloni kuman di RSO.Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso Surakart sebagai persiapan pembedahan Bahan dan Metode Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen observasional,dengan melakukan swab pada medan operasi,dengan swab I untuk antiseptic Chlorhexidine gluconate cetrimide, swab II kombinasi antiseptik Clorhexidine gluconate cetrimide-Alcohol 70%- Povidone iodine 10% (CAP) atau Clorhexidine gluconate cetrimide - Povidone iodine 10%(CP) dan swab III dilakukan swab setelah satu jam operasi berlangsung dengan menggunakan kombinasi antiseptik Clorhexidine gluconate cetrimide-Alcohol 70%- Povidone iodine 10% (CAP) atau Clorhexidine gluconate cetrimide - Povidone iodine 10%(CP). Penelitian ini melipuli 60 sampel yang terdiri dari 38 laki laki,22 wanita yang berusia antara 12 th sampai 30 th 25 orang,35th sampai 45th 20 orang 46th sampai 60th 15 orang, dengan, Diagnosis pasien meliputi 14 pasien Cf femur ,25 pasien cf tibia fibula,10 pasien cf humerus,11 pasien cf radius ulna. Hasil Analisa Statistik Hasil uji statistik dengan manova atau anova 2 jalur tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna pemakaian kombinasi antiseptik antara Chlorhexidine gluconate - Povidone iodine 10 % (CP2) dengan Chlorhexidine gluconate –Alcohol 70%- Povidone iodine 10 %(CAP2) dengan nilai p = 0,735 (p > 0,001) signifikan tidak bermakna. Antara CP2 dan CAP2 sama efektif dalam menurunkan jumlah koloni kuman pada medan operasi fraktur tertutup elektif. Hasil uji statistik dengan manova atau anova dua jalur tentang pengaruh kombinasi antiseptik 1 jam setelah pemaparan antiseptik kombinasi antara Chlorhexidine gluconate - Povidone iodine 10%(CP3) dan Chlorhexidine gluconate - Alkohol 70% - Povidone iodine 10%(CAP3) signifikan lebih bermakna CP3 dibanding CAP3 dengan hasil nilai p = 0,00 (p < 0,001) dalam perhitungan jumlah kuman Kesimpulan Perbedaan efektifitas kombinasi antiseptik kedua perlakuan sama efektif dalam menurunkan jumlah kuman pada kulit medan operasi pada swab II antara kombinasi antiseptik Chlorhexidine gluconate cetrimide – Povidone iodine 10% (CP2) ataupun kombinasi antiseptik Chlorhexidine gluconate cetrimide – alcohol 70% - Povidone iodine 10% (CAP2) dengan p <0,001.Kombinasi antiseptik Chlorhexidine gluconate cetrimide – Povidone iodine 10% (CP3) ataupun kombinasi antiseptik Chlorhexidine gluconate cetrimide – Alcohol 70% - Povidone iodine 10% (CAP3) 1 jam setelah operasi berlangsung lebih efektif kombinasi antiseptik Chlorhexidine gluconate cetrimide – Povidone iodine 10% (CP) dalam menurunkan jumlah kuman pada kulit medan operasi fraktur tertutup simple elektif Background Skin can not be sterilize, skin preparation for surgical procedure just reduce the microorganism only .This research want to know the effect of combination antiseptic betwen Clorhexidine gluconate-Alcohol 70%- Povidone iodine 10% (CAP) and Clorhexidine gluconate- Povidone iodine 10%(CP) for surgical skin preparation close fracture elective in Soeharso Hospital according to amount of microorganism colony. Materials and Methods This research is experimental observational perform swab I with Chlorhexidine gluconate cetrimide, swabII with Chlorhexidine gluconate cetrimide – alcohol 70% - Povidone iodine 10% or Chlorhexidine gluconate cetrimide- Povidone iodine 10%. Swab III perform 1 hour after operation was done. Location in RSO Prof DR.R.Soeharso Surakarta and Microbiology Lab FK UNS . Total sample are 60 people each 30 ,38 male and 22 female, the sample age are 12 - 30 y.o were 25 people,35th- 45 y.o were 20 people and 46th- 60th y.o were 15 people.14 patients were femoral fracture,30 patient were tibia fibula fracture,10 patiens were humerus fracture, and 11 patients were radius ulna fracture. Result With SPSS system two way anova or manova the research was shows Combination antiseptic Clorhexidine gluconate-Alcohol 70%- Povidone iodine 10% (CAP) and Clorhexidine gluconate- Povidone iodine 10%(CP) for surgical skin preparation effective reduced the microorganism colony, both is effective reduce microorganism there is no significant differences with p>0,01 they are the same effect . There is diffrerences effect Combination antiseptic Clorhexidine gluconate-Alcohol 70%- Povidone iodine 10% (CAP) and Clorhexidine gluconate- Povidone iodine 10%(CP) 1 hour operation was done in relation ship with amount microorganism colony,combination Clorhexidine gluconate- Povidone iodine 10%(CP) 1 hour operation was done give more effective reducing the amount of bacteria compare with Combination antiseptic Clorhexidine gluconate-Alcohol 70%- Povidone iodine 10% (CAP) with p<0,01 Conclussion Combination antiseptic betwen Clorhexidine gluconate-Alcohol 70%- Povidone iodine 10% (CAP) and Clorhexidine gluconate- Povidone iodine 10%(CP) for surgical skin preparation is the same effect reducing the amount microorganism colony.Combination antiseptic Clorhexidine gluconate- Povidone iodine 10%(CP) is more effective reducing the amount microorganism colony 1 hour