Personal branding dalam iklan cetak Calon presiden-calon wakil presiden (analisis semiotika terhadap personal branding Calon presiden-calon wakil presiden periode pemilihan umum 2009 Dalam iklan cetak surat kabar harian kompas edisi 10 mei-4 juli 2009
Oleh :
Fita Dwi Untari - D1207605 - Fak. ISIP
Advertisement world more and more llama progressively rapidly grow. Entire/All sure life lini relate to advertisement. Advertisement have expanded [at] all area lini. In its growth [of] advertisement have entered [at] political area. [At] a period of/to general election of year 1999 political advertisement start to expand at full speed. During the period media choice for beriklan plenty (of) for example electronic media ( radio and television), media print ( letter of kabar,baliho, leaflet, poster and is other) and also media of internet which is on at that time also [is] expanding at full speed
Advertisement print Candidate of Presiden-Calon Vice President used as [by] campaign media. In advertisement print this [all] candidate more is signalizing [of] personal of their branding. This matter [is] [done/conducted] society to see candidate as proper and good personal to be selected. But in the end elector society determining which candidate [is] which proper to be selected to to lead Indonesia five year to the fore.
This research aim to to know symbols personal of branding which there are in media advertisement print Candidate of Presiden-Calon Vice President [at] period of general election 2009 specially [at] Daily Newspaper Compass and differences exist in third Candidate campaign advertisement of Presiden-Calon Vice President.
Method in this research [is] kualitiatif with analysis of semiotik. Method qualitative [is] method majoring materials which difficult can be measured with numbers or with criteria of lalin having the character of eksak. Approach of semiotik used as [by] medium in analysing and interpretation mean in a advertisement. This approach [is] selected [by] because semiotik give wide [of] room to [do/conduct] interpretation to advertisement so that in the end can be got [by] meanings hidden in advertisement.
From this research, writer obtain;get conclusion that symbols personal of branding in advertisement print the the Capres-Cawapres presented to [pass/through] elements in advertisement that is object, and context of text. Third [of] candidate have differences in their x'self image. Couple of Mega-Prabowo more x'self membranding as couple which [is] people pros by signalizing text in the form of workplans to be executed without personality image ( themselves subjektif). While couple of SBY-BOEDIONO more personality image ( their subjektif) without telling workplans they to execute. While couple of JK-WIRANTO present both that is besides personality image ( their subjektif) also present workplans they to execute.