
The activities of public relations in Sahid Jaya Hotel Surakarta

Oleh :
Prisca Noffytasari - C9306079 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT This final project report explains about the activities of Public Relations in Sahid Jaya Hotel. Sahid jaya hotel is one of the best Hotels in Surakarta of which the Public Relations section has a good archievement in making a good image of the hotel. This report is aimed at identifying the scope, job, and duty done by the practitioner. This hotel is located at Gajah Mada Street 82 Surakarta. Through the job training, the writer can see that Public Relations Department in Sahid Jaya Hotel Surakarta has activities in both internal and external publics. The activities of Public Relations such as filing the invitation letters,collecting news of Sahid Jaya typing press release, typing Public Relations Action Plan and typing brochure. The job descriptions are divided into seven parts, they are : publicity, planning some work program, advertising, promotion,lobbying and public affairs,collecting data and issues management. In the last chapter,the writer gives some suggestions to the Public Relations to improve the work by making better coordination with internal stakeholders and attending morning briefing in order to know what is going on that day.