
Analisis tingkat kesehatan bank dengan metode camel terhadap PD. BPR BKK Karangmalang Sragen periode 2007-2009

Oleh :
Pradipta Widya Christanti - F3607071 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Abstrak The bank’s good health level is the primary pillar in running banking business. The healthy bank will encourage the society’s trust in accepting the service product the bank gives. PD BPR BKK KARANG MALANG SRAGEN is one of BUMD (Local Government-Owned Enterprise) of Regency Sragen that always attempts to realize the best performance. For that reason, the research entitled “An Analysis on Bank Health Level Using Camel Method in PD. BPR BKK Karangmalang Sragen in 2007-2009 Period” aims to find out the bank health level. The problem statement of research is how the bank’s health level is in PD. BPR BKK Karangmalang Sragen in 2007-2009 Period. The method employed to analyze the bank’s health level in BPR is CAMEL method (Capital, Asset, Management, Earning and Liquidity). The result of analysis shows that (a) Capital calculated using capital adequacy ratio (CAR) shows the ratio of 11.5% (2007), 10.5% (2008), and 12% (2009) in the three periods. (b) The Quality of Productive Asset shows the KAP ratio the PD. BPR BKK Karangmalang obtains (in 2007-2007) of 5.1% (2007), 5.4% (2008) and 4.2% (2009) belonging to health predicate. Meanwhile the PPAP ratio produced is 60.7% (2007), 93.8% (2008) and 107.8% (2009). (c) Management encompasses two assessment components: general management with the ratio of 38% (2007-2008) and 40% (2009); risk management with the ratio of 46%, 51% and 53%. From the total calculation of the management factor of 84 (2007), 89 (2008) and 93 (2009). (d) Earning measured using ROA ratio produces the ratio of 3.7% (2007), 4.0% (2008) and 4.3% (2009), while the BOPO ratio is 81.4% (2007), 89.3% (2008) and 88.7% (2009) included in health predicate. Liquidity is measured using two ratios: Cash ratio produced is 20.9% (2007), 22.9% (2008) and 27.2% (2009). Loan to Deposit Ratio produced is 95.5% (2007), 90.8% (2008) and 90.5% (2009). With such method, the assessment of bank health in PD BPR KARANG MALANG SRAGEN gets healthy predicate based on Indonesian Bank’s criteria.