The effectiveness of clustering technique to teach writing skill viewed from students` linguistic intelligence (an experimental research on descriptive writing for the second semester of english department of IKIPPGRI Madiun in the academic year of 2009/
Oleh :
Erlik Widiyani Styani - S890209112 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
The objective of this research is to know whether (1) clustering technique is more effective than direct instruction in teaching writing for the second semester students of English Department of IKIP PGRI Madiun; (2) the second semester students of English Department of IKIP PGRI Madiun who have high linguistic intelligence have better writing skill than those having low linguistic intelligence; and (3) there is interaction between teaching techniques and students’ linguistics intelligence to teach writing.
The research was carried out at IKIP PGRI Madiun from March to July 2010. It is an Experimental Research. Here, the writer takes the data from Second semester students 2B and 2C as the sample of the research. The class B is as an experimental class and class C is as control class. Each of classes consists of 40 students. Dealing with the research instrument of collecting the data, the researcher makes some step: (1) giving the linguistic intelligence test as an internal test; (2) dividing the colleges who have high and low mark; (3) applying the teaching technique to the students; (4) analyzing the students’ mark to decide the teaching technique whether it is effectives or not; and (5) giving post test. The data were obtained from linguistic intelligence test and writing test. To analyze the data, the researcher applied descriptive and inferential statistic using ANOVAand Tukey’s test.
The result of the study leads to the conclusion that first, the students who are taught clustering technique have better writing ability than those who are taught using direct instruction. In other word, the use of clustering technique is more effective than direct instruction. Second, the students who have high linguistic intelligence have better writing ability than those who low linguistic intelligence. Third, there is no interaction between teaching technique and students’ linguistic intelligence level for teaching writing. Teaching technique which is used by the teacher in teaching writing for the students’ linguistic level in class does not give a big influence for the success of the teaching and learning process The effect of teaching technique on the students’ writing ability does not depend on the students’ linguistic intelligence level.
Finally, the research findings imply that the use of clustering technique can affect the student’s writing competence optimally. It is proved from the research findings showing that students who are taught using clustering technique have better writing competence than those who are taught using direct instruction. Therefore, it is recommended that English teachers are suggested to apply clustering technique in writing activities, to be more creative and innovative in using various kinds of interesting teaching techniques which accompany the materials. The students are suggested to apply clustering technique in writing and to write more by applying the technique so they will be more skillful in writing. For the researchers who intend to conduct the research more detail about the effect of using clustering technique for teaching writing, the writer hopes that the research findings can be used as a starting point and can be utilized as reference.