Analisis pengaruh product involvement, perceived risk, market maven, terhadap post-switching negative word of mouth dengan dissatisfaction terhadap provider lama sebagai variabel pemoderator
Oleh :
Ramadhian Chaesar Melianto - F0204120 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Tujuan dari penelitian ini mempelajari pengaruh product involvement, market mavenism, perceived risk, satisfaction, dan dissatisfaction sebagai variabel moderasi pada perilaku PNWOM (Postwitching Negative Word of Mouth) dalam konteks kasus perpindahan service provider.
Studi empiris dilakukan untuk meneliti apakah product involvement, market mavenism, perceived risk, satisfaction mempengaruhi service customers (pelanggan) untuk menyebarkan negative word of mouth tentang provider lama yang telah ditinggalkan dan mulai berganti dengan provider yang baru.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survey. Target populasi pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Universitas Sebelas Maret yang memenuhi beberapa syarat yang dapat dianalisis lebih lanjut. Satu persyaratan utama yang harus dipenuhi adalah responden harus sudah berganti atau meninggalkan service provider yang lama. Sampel penelitian ini dikumpulkan dari sembilan fakultas yang ada di Universitas Sebelas Maret dengan total 250 kuesioner namun hanya 238 sampel yang valid dan dapat dianalisis lebih lanjut.
Goodness-of-fit model menunjukkan hasil yang bagus dengan nilai dari 2 = 218, 091; probabilitas = 0,059; CMIN/DF = 1,166 GFI = 0,925; AGFI = 0,898; NFI= 0,935; TLI = 0,988; CFI = 0,990; RMSEA = 0,026. Structured Equation Model digunakan untuk menganalisa data dan hasil menunjukkan bahwa meningkatnya market mavenism, perceived risk, satisfaction, dan dissatisfaction berpengaruh terhadap konsumen (service customer) dalam memberikan berita negatif (Negative WOM) terhadap service providers dan dissatisfaction juga berperan sebagai variabel moderasi yang memperkuat pengaruh hubungan product involvement, perceived risk dan market maven untuk memberikan negative WOM. Berlawanan dengan variabel-variabel tersebut, variabel product involvement dan satisfaction tidak menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap perilaku konsumen dalam menyebarkan PNWOM.
This research studies the effects of product involvement, market mavenism, perceived risk, satisfaction, and dissatisfaction as a moderator to PNWOM (Postwitching Negative Word of Mouth) behavior in the context of service provider switching.
An empirical study is presented which researches whether product involvement, market mavenism, perceived risk, satisfaction influence the service customers to spread negative word of mouth about the previous provider that they have dropped.
This research was conducted with survey method. The target of the population is the student of the Sebelas Maret University with some conditions that have to be applied. One central requirement was that respondents should have recently switched or dropped service provider. The sample for this study was collected from nine different faculties. With a total of 250 questionnaire were given to respondents, 238 were valid samples.
The goodness-of-fit from the model shows a good results with the score of 2 = 218, 091; probability = 0,059; CMIN/DF = 1,166 GFI = 0,925; AGFI = 0,898; NFI= 0,935; TLI = 0,988; CFI = 0,990; RMSEA = 0,026. We Conduct Structured Equation Model to analyse the data and the result show that the increases of market mavenism, perceived risk, satisfaction, and dissatisfaction influence the service customer to give negative WOM about dropped service providers and dissatisfaction also plays a role to moderate the effect of product involvement, perceived risk and market maven to give negative WOM. Contrary with them, product involvement and satisfaction show that they don’t significanly influence the PNWOM behaviour.