Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menyimak Cerita Rakyat Dengan Metode Kooperatif Tipe Stad Pada Siswa Kelas X-2 Sma Muhamadiyah Sumberrejo Tahun Ajaran 2008/2009
Oleh :
Nurul Khomariatin - K1204003 - Fak. KIP
Cooperative method STAD type as one solution to improve the quality of the learning process and learning outcomes in schools. This method is used in classroom action research to improve listening ability in students of folklore class Sumberrejo X.2 SMA Muhammadiyah school year 2008/2009. Based on the results of research can be argued that the type STAD cooperative methods can improve students' listening ability folklore class X-2 SMA Muhammadiyah Sumberrejo. This is reflected as follows: (1) the quality of the learning process to listen to folk tales as seen from the increased interest, motivation, attention, and the activeness of students during learning increases, (2) the quality of learning outcomes to listen to folk tales as seen from the increased average value and number of students pass the study.