
A Correlational Study Between Habit In Singing And Listening To English Songs, Vocabulary Mastery, And Speaking Skill Of The Eleventh Grade Students Of Smk N 3 Surakarta

Oleh :
Yulianto - X2208542 - Fak. KIP

This thesis is intended to verify (1) whether there is a positive and significant correlation between habit in singing and listening to English songs and speaking skill; (2) whether there is a positive and significant correlation between vocabulary mastery and speaking skill; and (3) whether there is a positive and significant correlation between habit in singing and listening to English songs, vocabulary mastery simultaneously and speaking skill of the eleventh grade students of SMK N 3 Surakarta in the academic year 2009/2010. This research was carried out at SMKN 3 Surakarta, on April and May 2010. The population of this study is all the eleventh grade students of SMKN 3 Surakarta in the academic year 2009/2010. By using random sampling, the writer takes 30 students as the sample. To collect the data, the writer uses questionnaire, objective test and interview. The questionnaire is used to get the data of singing and listening to English songs habit, the objective test is used to get the data of vocabulary, while the interview is used to know students’ speaking skill. The results of the research are that : (1) there is a positive and significant correlation between students’ habit in singing and listening to English songs and speaking skill since the coefficient of correlation r=0.518 is greater than r-table for n= 30 at level of significance 5%, rt xy =0.361, (2) there is a positive and significant correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and speaking skill since the coefficient of correlation r=0.563 is greater than the value of the rtable for n= 30 at level of significance 5%, rxy =0.361, (3) there is a positive and significant correlation between students’ habit in singing and listening to English songs, their vocabulary mastery simultaneously and their speaking skill since the coefficient of correlation rxy t =0.565 is greaterthan r-table for n= 30 at level of significance 5%, rt =0.361. The relative contribution of habit in singing and listening to English song is 17.60%, and it is 82.40 % for vocabulary mastery to speaking skill. The effective contribution of habit in singing and listening to English song and vocabulary mastery to speaking skill is 5.63% and 26.35% respectively. The total effective contribution of habit in singing and listening to English song and vocabulary mastery to speaking skill is 31.98 %. It means that the 68.1 % is contributed by other factors. Regarding the result of the research, the writer concludes that habit in singing and listening to English song and vocabulary mastery contribute to speaking skill. Although the greatest contribution is not significant, these variables potentially improve students’ speaking skill.