Analisis pengembangan industri berbahan baku garut skala rumah tangga di Kecamatan Gesi Kabupaten Sragen
Oleh :
Nurul Huda Kurniawan - H1306032 - Fak. Pertanian
This research aims to know cost, acceptance, income and efficience industry with the basic material garut in Gesi Sub District Sragen Regency, to identify internal factors and eksternal factors are connection with industry with the basic material garut of scale home industry in Gesi Sub District Sragen Regency and to know alternative strategy to applied at industry with the basic material garut in Gesi Sub District Sragen Regency.
The basic methods is used in this research is descriptive analitis methods and performed with survey technique. The methods to choose location with purpossive in Gesi Sub District Sragen Regency. This research we used to take a data is by secondary data and primary data.
The analysis methods used are (1) analisys bussiness to know cost, acceptance, income and bussiness efficience, (2) SWOT analisys to identify internal factors and eksternal factors is to be strength, weakness, opportunity and threat in bussiness development, and (3) SWOT matriks to formulated strategy altenative developing of bussiness. From result of the research strategy alternative which we use to processing garut to be emping garut is : Expansion marketing with, improving production using an empty area, improving promotion, improving relationship with consumer, increase knowing of human resoueces, put in order employing material, improving guidance and supervision from cooperation of cabinet trade ministry, put in order financial capital, make homogenous product with sorting. Strategy alternative which we use to processing garut to be garut flour is : : improving production to be manner alternative food, medicine and the others food, improving production with maximize nature resources, put in order employing material, caught product to avoid low prices, following promotion, improving production with used all residu and put in order of production to homogenous product.