Peningkatan kemampuan mennghitung Volume bangun ruang menggunakan pendekatan konstektul pada siswa SD Negeri 2 Sambeng Juwangi Boyolali 2009
Oleh :
Tri Widatin - X7108524 - Fak. KIP
This research form is classroom action research use two cycles. Each cycle consist of four steps: planning, action, observation and reflection. As the subject of the research are student of Sambeng 2 elementary school grade V on Juwangi, Boyolali. The technique of data collecting are uses observation, analysis document, test and interview. Technique of analysis is interactive analysis model which has 3 component: data reduction, representation of data and pulling of conclusion or verification.
The conclusion based from the result are: (1) it’s happen improve in ability in counting of a solid after doing action classroom research use contextual approach. It can show with improving ability in counting volume of a solid before and after doing action. Cycle I there is improving ability in counting volume of a solid from overage 63,70 became 73,02 and from KKM 36% became 68%. Cycle II it’s happen improving ability in counting volume of a solid from avarage cycle I 73,70 became 75,00 and from KKM 68% became 88%. (2) The way to solve the problem happen use contextual approach are: (a) students make a group work their selves to solve the students problem are not enough student in doing group task, (b) to move student model never show in front of the class to solve are not enough student attention to showing model, (c) learning process use contextual approach, (d) add motivation from the teacher to solve the student asking.
Base of the made conclusion, can make recommendation if learning mathematicse use contextual approach can improve ability in counting volume of a solid at student of Sambeng 2 elementary school class V year 2009.