Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kredit usaha kecil (KUK) pada bank-bank umum di eks-karesidenan Surakarta tahun 2002-2010
Oleh :
Rahmadi - S4209043 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
The aim this study is 1) inflation rate of credit interest rate 2) the rate of inflation to total funds raised, 3) the rate of inflation to the level of funds allocated SEC, 4) the amount of funds raised to the allocation of funds SEC, 5) level interest loans to fund allocation SEC, 6th) gross regional domestic product (GRDP) of the allocation of funds by the SEC banks - commercial in Surakarta year period 2002-2010 and 7) the amount of funds raised, interest rates, inflation rates and GDP simultaneously on the allocation of funds by banks KUK - Surakarta commercial banks in the period 2002-2010.
The type of analysis in this research is based on causal research data in 2002 - 2010 in Surakarta. Secondary data in this study is time series data (quarter / three months) interest rate, the amount of funds raised and allocated funds for the SEC in Surakarta the period June 2002 - March 2010, taken from the Economic Statistics Indonesi (Seki), published by Bank Indonesia ( BI). GRDP data from BPS, Central Java Report. Hypothesis testing used a double log linear regression analysis.
Results showed that 1) the rate of inflation negatively affect mortgage interest rates, 2) inflation rate negatively affect the amount of funds raised, 3) level of inflation does not influence the allocation of funds KUK, 4) interest rate credit does not affect against the allocation of funds SEC, 5) the amount of funds raised on a positive influence on the allocation of funds SEC, 6th) gross regional domistic product (GRDP) has positive influence on the allocation of funds SEC, and 7) Total funds raised, interest rates, inflation rates and GRDP collectively influence the allocation of funds by the SEC banks - commercial banks in Surakarta year period from 2002 - 2010.