Perbedaan pengaruh pembelajaran roll depan dengan matras mendatar dan matras miring terhadap hasil belajar roll depan siswa putri kelas V dan VI SD Negeri Majenang 3 Sukodono Kabupaten Sragen tahun pelajaran 2010/2011
Oleh :
Fitriayanto - X4608522 - Fak. KIP
The objectif of this research is to define : (1) The difference influences in learning front roll using flat mattress and slant mattress to the result of learning front roll to the female student of V and VI grade of SD Negeri Majenang 3 Sukodono, Sragen regency in the academic year of 2010/2011. (2)Which learning method gives better influence to the result of learning front roll to female student of V and VI grade of SD Negeri Majenang 3 Sukodono, Sragen regency in the academic year of 2010/2011.
An experimental reseach was designed to get the data. There are 34 female student of V and VI grade of SD Negeri Majenang 3 Sukodono, Sragen regency in the academic year of 2010/2011 as the population and sample. This was a populational research as all the population became the sample. The technique of collecting data that was used an axpert front roll ability besed on FIG 2007. the technique of analyzing data was used t-test wit 5 % level of significant.
Based on the reseach, the writer made a condition as : (1) There was a difference influence in learning front roll using flat mattress and slant mattress to result of learning front roll to female student of learning front roll to the female student of V and VI grade of SD Negeri Majenang 3 Sukodono, Sragen regency in the academic year of 2010/2011.( t test 4.687 > t table 2.21 whit 5 % level of significant ). (2) learning front roll using slant mattress gave better influence to the learning front roll to the female student of V and VI grade of SD Negeri Majenang 3, Sukodono, Sragen regency in the academic year of 2010/2011. The fisrt group( who used flat mattress ) gained increasement 7.38 %, mean while the second group ( who used slant mattress ) gained increasement 13.91%.