Perbedaan kecemasan pada mahasiswa lulusan sarjana kedokteran UNS angkatan 2005 yang IPK-nya di atas 2,75 dengan IPK-nya di bawah 2,75
Oleh :
Fadly - G0005092 - Fak. Kedokteran
Fadly, G0005092, 2010. The Differences of Anxiety on Students Graduated UNS Medical Faculty Class of 2005 that their CAI more than 2,75 to their CAI Under 2,75. Medical Faculty, Sebelas Maret University of Surakarta
This study aimed to find out the difference of anxiety on students graduates UNS Medical Faculty Class of 2005 that their CAI more than 2,75 to their CAI under 2,75.
This study is an observational analytic research with cross sectional methods. This research was conducted at the Medical Faculty, Sebelas Maret University, subject of this research is medical student who’s graduated on September 3, 2009 that include in the inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria that have been determined. Sampling in this research was by purposive sampling. Screening of anxiety in this research using the TMAS (The Taylor Minnesota Anxiety Scale) questionnaire.
From this research founded 80 respondents that include in the inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria that have been determined, including 40 students (50%) with CAI ≥ 2.75 and 40 students (50%) with CAI <2.75. Data were statistically tested by chi square analysis test (SPSS 16.0 for Windows). Statistical test with confidence level 95% level, from the result we get χ2 value = 16,573, χ2 table=3,481 and p=0.000.
There are significant differences in anxiety among graduate students of Medical Faculty UNS class of 2005 that their CAI more than 2,75 to their CAI under 2,75.
Keywords: Anxiety, Students, CAI