Studi peran dan efektifitas ruang terbuka hijau publik di Kota Karanganyar
Oleh :
Isnaeny Adhi Nurmasari - I0606028 - Fak. Teknik
Green public open space is one of open space which have social benefit handled by government. Quality of the green public open space has been decreasing significantly for the last 30 years. The decreasing of quality and quantity, both the green open space and non- green one, causes town quality becomes worst. For example, there are many flood cases, high rate of air polluted, social trouble cases; crime and chaos, and the decreasing of the people productivity because of stressfulness and limitation of social interaction space. Government toughens the existence of the green public open space by asserting UU no. 26/2007, the rule of space-making, in order to prevent the global warming. Research of the function and the effectiveness of the green public open space in Karanganyar are to figure out how important the area for people by identifying the recent functions, and testing its effectiveness physically and non- physically. Result of the research is hoped valuable to give any information and recommendation for the area development and manufacture in Karanganyar city.