Analisis penerimaan mobile banking dengan gender sebagai variabel eksternal melalui pendekatan technology acceptance model (TAM)
Oleh :
Felasufazain - F0306038 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Abstrak :
The purpose of this study is to analyze effect of gender as external variable toward information technology acceptance, that are mobile banking user in Surakarta by Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) approach.
Type data is used in this study is primary data. The primary data are come from spreading of questionnaire to bank customer which as mobile banking user in Surakarta. Under purposive sampling method, 152 respondents are collected. The data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS version 6. The goodness of fit after modify of raised model show good result are Chi-Square (2) is 218,712, Significance Probability (p) is 0,000, CMIN/DF is 1,585, GFI is 0,874, AGFI is 0,826, TLI is 0,927, CFI is 0,941, and RMSEA is 0,062.
The findings of this study show that, perceived ease of use significant to perceived usefulness and attitude toward using with p 0,000. Perceived usefulness significant to attitude toward using and behavioral intention with p 0,000, but not significant to behavior with p 0,211. Attitude toward using significant to behavioral intention with p 0,000. Behavioral intention significant to behavior with p 0,000. Gender not significant to perceived ease of use and behavior with p 0,640 and 0,905, but gender significant to perceived usefulness with p 0,017.