Hubungan antara kecerdasan emosi dan harga diri dengan kecemasan menghadapi menopouse pada wanita
Oleh :
Adriani Rahma Pudyaningtyas - G0106021 - Fak. Kedokteran
Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Self-Esteem with Anxiety
Dealing with Menopause in Women
Adriani Rahma Pudyaningtyas
Menopause is one of the most important developmental stage for a
woman. Some women assume the presence of menopause as a natural event, but
some women experience anxiety when faced with menopause. High emotional
intelligence and self-esteem will help women overcome the anxiety that arises
when dealing with menopause, so it can act appropriately and reasonably when
faced with new situations that occur and achieve success in implementing
development tasks.
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between
emotional intelligence and self-esteem with anxiety dealing with menopause in
women and also determine relationship of each independent variable, emotional
intelligence and self-esteem with anxiety dealing with menopause in women.
This research was conducted in Karangasem on July 2010. The research
sample consists of 70 people with the purposive sampling technique, subject to
the criteria women aged 45-55 years old, married and have children, still
unmarried, has not undergone hysterectomy, and minimal education junior high /
high school. Collecting data in this study carried out by using a psychological
scale, namely anxiety scale dealing with menopause and emotional intelligence
that made by the researcher and self-esteem scale is made with a modified
Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale (RSES).
The assessment of the significance level of 5% indicates that there is a
significant relationship between emotional intelligence and self-esteem with
anxiety dealing with menopause in women. The results partially calculation shows
a significant negative correlation between emotional intelligence and the anxiety
facing menopause in women and self-esteem was not significantly relationship
with anxiety dealing with menopause in women.
Key words: menopause, anxiety dealing with menopause, emotional intelligence,
self esteem