Analisis pembebanan jaringan jalan dengan memasukkan angkutan umum menggunakan aplikasi software emme/3 (studi kasus Kota Surakarta)
Oleh :
Betty One William - I0106004 - Fak. Teknik
Betty One William. 2010. A Traffic Assignment Analysis to Include Public Transport Using EMME/3 Software Application City ). Thesis. Civil Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering, Sebelas Maret of University of Surakarta.
Public transportation is part which can not be separated from the urban system. Movement patterns can be known when an origin destination matrix (O/D) was charged to current road network so obtained can be used to assess the performance of the road network. Therefore, the traffic flow generated MAT will need to know in relation to the proportion traffic flow of public transport in the road network.
The study was conducted to determine the loading of road network to include the public transportation in the city of Surakarta. Also known for the level validation of traffic flow modeling results with traffic flow observation. The road network is analyzed public transportation route.
The value of traffic volume is obtained by Wardrop Equilibrium loading method with the help of software applications Emme / 3. Statistical test using the coefficient of determination (R2).
From the calculation with the help of the program EMME/ , obtained by the total number of movements to include public transport of the Surakarta city in 2009 amounted to 32146,12 pce/hour. Imposition of the larges segment that includes an internal zone service area (Purwosari) is a segment Jl. Slamet Riyadi (8-9), the result of the imposition of traffic flow is 1172 pce/hour (8-9) dan 1020 pce/hour (9-8). The proportion of public transport flow rate of 6%. For external zone service area (Palur) with current major road Jl. Ir. Sutami (92-241), the result of the imposition of traffic flow is 1310 pce/hour (92-241) dan 1348 pce/hour (241-92). The proportion of public transport flow rate of 15%. Level of validation (R2) which is obtained by 0,78875.
Keywords : Destination Origin Matrices (O-D Matrix),, assignment, traffic
flow, public transport, Emme-3