Pengaruh pengelolaan ruang terbuka hijau terhadap kualitas lingkungan di kota Surakarta
Oleh :
Dwinta Nori Fitria - I0606016 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
The green public space management (RTH) currently promoted widely by Surakarta city is one manifestation of the application of Ac no. 26 of 207 about the space layout and Permendagri No. 1 of 2007 about the Green Public Space Layout in Urban Area. The government’s attempt of fulfilling the RTH minimum width of 30% was began by Surakarta Mayor, Joko Widodo. One attempt the government takes to improve the RTH management aims to recover the RTH function as the city ecological, social, economical and architectural supporting space. With the improvement of RTH management, it is expected that the degraded quality of environment in Surakarta City can be recovered.
The problem statement raised in this research is: How the management quality the urban management actor has conducted in managing RTH in Surakarta city as well as whether or not the attempt of urban management actor in managing RTH affects significantly the improvement of environment quality in Surakarta City. The objective of research is: To find out the quality of RTH management conducted by the urban management actor in Surakarta as well as to find out whether or not the RTH management affects the environment quality in Surakarta City.
This study belongs to a qualitative and quantitative research. The method employed in this research inferential statistical and descriptive method. The method was employed for the RTH management quality level, environment quality level, as well as the effect of RTH management on environment quality. Technique of analysis used in this research was the regression significance statistic test (hypothesis analysis), descriptive statistic analysis and descriptive comparative analysis techniques.
From the research conducted, it is obtained an general overview of the green public space management quality and environment quality in Surakarta city. In the research on the effect of green public space management on environment quality of Surakarta city, the RTH management variable was analyzed as the dependent variable and environmental physical quality as well as society’s mental health as the independent variable.
Considering the result of analysis, it can be concluded that the presence of good RTH management will affect positively the quality of environment. Otherwise, the poor RTH management will affect negatively the quality of environment.