Karakterisasi Varietas Unggulan Ikan Nila (Oreochromis sp.) di Broodstock Center, Satker Pbiat Janti, Klaten Berdasarkan Ciri Morfologi dan Pola Pita Serta Kandungan Protein
Oleh :
Joko Aribowo - M0406008 - Fak. MIPA
Nila fish (Oreochromis sp.) has been widely known by many people for a long time as consumed, cheap fish which has fast growth rate and containing nutrition as much as any other consumed fresh water fish. On its development, scientists try to develop and spread local nila fish. Various genetic researches have been conducted until nowadays to find a superior species of nila fish. For instance, in the beginning of 1981 a new species of nila fish called Red nify was introduced to public. In 1997, new species called nila gift and nila Genetic Supermale Indonesia Tilapia (GESIT) were introduced as well. Genetic basic information is required to support this research while genetic molecular approach is one alternative method which commonly used.
The aim of this research was to know the characteristic of superior nila fish in Brood stock Center PBIAT Janti, Klaten based on morphological characteristic, protein banding pattern, and total protein content. Sample used for this research were Gift, GESIT, and Red variety of nila fish germ with incubation time P1 (1-3 and 3-5). Morphological characteristic parameters observed were length, width, high, color, pattern, and NVC. Nila fish germ samples were maintained until incubation period 1 in the size of 1-3 and 3-5. Thus, the protein binding patterns of the samples were observed by using Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate-Polyacrylamid Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) method. Qualitative data were collected and analyzed based on the presence and the thickness of protein binding patterns formed on the gel media. The protein binding patterns that appeared on the gel were drawn as zimogram, thus binding patterns diversity was determined by calculating Rf value. Total protein content analysis was determined empirically by measuring nitrogen (N) total with Kjeldahl method.
The results showed that morphological, protein binding patterns, and total protein content variation were presence in this research by measuring Rf value. Phenotype diversity between varieties can be caused by the influence of genetic, environment, and both interaction. Nila GESIT is the best variety based on genetic diversity and the content of protein. This result described the superior nila fish germ characteristic in Brood stock PBIAT Klaten.
Keywords: Characterization, Oreochromis sp., morphology, protein banding pattern, total protein content.