
Pengaruh substitusi jerami kacang tanah dengan silase daun pisang (Musa Paradisiaca) dalam ransum terhadap performan kelinci New Zealand white jantan

Oleh :
Ayuningtyas Wati - H0505018 - Fak. Pertanian

The effort to increased the livestock quality could be done by the selection of breed and ration supply that adequate on quality and quantity without having affected the season. Banana might be used as alternative feed stuff because of its abundant availability and contain nutrients that can be utilized by the rabbits. This research aimed to know the effect of substitution of groundnut straw with banana (Musa paradisiaca) leaves silage in ration on performance of the New Zealand White male rabbits. The research was done on October 2th to 27th November 2009 at the Non Ruminant Livestock Breeding and Cultivation Unit, Animal Husbandry and Health Official, Balekambang, Surakarta. The materials used were 20 male New Zealand White rabbits with an average body weight of 906,80 ± 59,35 g. The research design was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments and five replications, each replication consisted of one male rabbit. The ration was consisted of forage (groundnut straw) and concentrates with proportion 60 : 40 % (DM basis). Substitution treatments were groundnut straw with banana leaves silage: 60 % forage (groundnut straw 100 % + banana leaves silage 0 %) + concentrate 40 % (P0); 60 % forage (groundnut straw 75 % + 25 % banana leaves silage) + concentrate 40 % (P1); 60 % forage (50 % groundnut straw + banana leaves silage 50 %) + concentrate 40 % (P2); and 60 % forage (groundnut straw 25 % + 75 % banana leaves silage) + 40 % concentrates (P3). The parameters observed were feed intake (DM based), daily body weight, feed conversion and feed cost per gain. Feed intake and conversion were analyzed by analysis of variance, daily gain analyzed by analysis of covariance, whereas for the feed cost per gain was descriptively reported. The results for each treatment were the feed intake: 84.65; 79.96; 82.87; and 76.92 g/head/day; ADG: 12.40; 13.58; 11.99; and 14.03 g/head/day; feed conversion: 7.00; 5.96; 7.01; and 5.51 while the feed cost per gain: Rp. 7,159.28; Rp. 5,917.84; Rp. 6,748.00; and Rp. 5,141.47. The results of analysis of variance for feed intake, body weight gain and feed conversion did not show any significant differences. The best value of feed cost per gain was for P3 with banana leaves silage 45 % of the total ration. It can be concluded that banana leaf silage able to substitute 75 % of groundnut straw from the total forage in the ration without effect on feed intake, daily body weight, feed conversion, and feed cost per gain on male New Zealand White rabbits.