
Tinjauan Tentang pelaksanaan penyelidikan dan penyidikan terhadap tindak pidana penyalahgunaan psikotropika di kepolisian resor Sragen (studi kasus no perkara BP/360/XII/2009/RESKRIM di kepolisian resor Sragen)

Oleh :
Ajib Tri Sutrisno - E1106005 - Fak. Hukum

Abstract This research is a descriptive empirical law research, by doing a research about the realization of research and inquiry in Sragen Resort Police. Kinds of data used are primary data and secondary data. Secondary data source used include primary law material, secondary law material, and tertiary law material. The technique of data collection used can be found by literature study such as books, documents and practical studies. The researcher uses interactive model of analysis as the technique of data analysis, means that the process to analyze the data using three components, data collection, data reduction, and drawing conclusion. There are 2 conclusions drawn from the discussion, first observation about a realization of research and inquiry to the punishment of deviation drugs in Sragen Resort Police have done as well as it should do based on the valid law in Indonesia, second, obstacle and difficulties in this process of research and inquiry to the deviation drugs by Sragen Resort Police number of case BP/360/XII/2009/RESKRIM.