The Implementation Of Bilingualism In The Teaching Learning Activities At International Standardized School (A Descriptive Qualitative Study In Sd Negeri Sbi Gemolong In The 2009/2010 Academic Year)
Oleh :
Vina Ardian Septyani Putri - K2206037 - Fak. KIP
This study is based on the problems of the implementation of bilingualism in the teaching learning activities, especially in Mathematics and Science subject matter. It focuses on how bilingualism has been used in the teaching learning activities so far. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method. The writer uses descriptive method because the data are in the form of words so that the data are best analyzed by describing them. Further, the writer uses qualitative method since the description of the data is analyzed and interpreted in order to find out the meaning from the data. The sources of data of the research are events, informants, and document. The technique of collecting the data is non-measurement technique consisting of interview, observation, and document analysis. The writer took the trustworthiness to check the data. The trustworthiness technique used is triangulation. The purpose of triangulation in qualitative research is to increase the credibility and validity of the result. The data sources of triangulation that the writer took are the principal of SD Negeri SBI Gemolong and some students of the fourth grade. The techniques of triangulation that the writer used are interview, observation, and questionnaires. The result of qualitative data is analyzed in three stages namely the data reduction, data presentation/data display, and conclusion drawing. Based on the result of this research, it can be concluded that the use of bilingualism has run well although there are some things that have to be paid attention, especially in using English language. The teachers play important role to make this program succeed. Although in delivering material the teachers use two languages, in choosing teaching material they concern on students’ need and curriculum used. As international standardized teachers, they design two syllabi in English and Indonesian. In the teaching learning activities itself, the teachers face communication problems with the students when they try to speak English fully. Although there are some strengths in implementing two languages in the teaching learning activities, there are also the weaknesses that have to be solved. At the end of the research, the writer wants give some suggestions for the school, the teachers, the students, and the other researcher in order to make the implementation of bilingualism in the teaching-learning activities keep on improving: (1) bilingual program needs two teachers, for example English teacher who has duty to teach language problems, and Mathematics/Science teacher who has duty to teach the content knowledge; (2) the students should increase their motivation in learning and in developing their language; (3) the other researcher will implement some techniques which can improve the use of English in the teaching learning activities especially in Mathematics and Science.