
Pemilihan Pemasok dan Penentuan Kuantitas Pesan Bahan Baku dengan Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process dan Multi Objective Linear Programming (Studi Kasus : Koperasi Jasa Usaha Bersama Puspetasari)

Oleh :
Didit Ambardi - I0304029 - Fak. Teknik

Koperasi Jasa Usaha Bersama (KJUB) obtains raw materials to produce cattle fodder from several suppliers. The criteria considered in selecting suppliers are: cost, quality, delivery, suppliers’ logistic, suppliers’ technology, suppliers’ business, and relationship with suppliers. However, with the various considered criteria, KJUB Puspetasari doesn’t have a definite structure in the process of decision making. Such method in decision making cannot guarantee the consistency in assessing potential suppliers as well as in using the criteria. In addition, decision making using this method cannot measure the optimal purchasing level. Therefore, in this research, the researcher presents supplier selection and determination of raw material order quantity using a combination of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method and multi objective linear programming (MOLP). AHP method is used to determine the quality of the criteria. The criteria in selecting suppliers are: cost, quality, delivery, supplier’s logistic, supplier’s technology, supplier’s business, and relationship with supplier. While MOLP method is used to determine selected suppliers and optimal order quantity. The result of the research provides information about the criteria and sub-criteria used in selecting suppliers. Besides, the research also indicates the selected suppliers and the quantity of optimal raw material order based on MOLP model.