
Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Narasi Dengan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Teknik Student Teams Achievement Divisions (Stad) Pada Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri Tempel Gatak Sukoharjo Tahun Ajaran 2009/2010

Oleh :
Afnia Sundari - X1206020 - Fak. KIP

Goals to be achieved in this research is to improve: (1) Improve the quality of the process, namely liveliness, collaboration and student interest in learning to write narrative, (2) the quality of learning outcomes include the ability to write narrative, the five aspects are: (a ) content (ideas expressed), (b) organization (penggorganisasian content and paragraphs), (c) vocabulary, (d) use of language, and (e) mechanics. This research is a classroom action research (CAR) conducted at primary school with the subject Paste Gatak Sukoharjo IV grade students of 23 students. As for who becomes the object of research is learning to write narratives that are included in the Indonesian subjects. The research process was conducted in three cycles, each cycle includes four stages, namely the planning phase, implementation phase, the observation phase, and phase analysis and reflection. Based on the results of this study concluded there is increased quality of teaching narrative writing skills, which include: (1) improving the quality of the learning process of writing narrative is marked by increasing: (a) the number of students who are active in following the process of writing narrative pembelajran, (b) the number of students ranging accustomed to working with a group of friends, and (c) the number of students who are interested in pembelajran write narrative, (2) Improved quality of learning outcomes indicated by the increasing number of students who reach the limit of completeness in the narrative writing skills are (a) in the first cycle of 7 (56.52%), (b) on the second cycle consisted of 17 students (73.91%), and (c) the third cycle, or as many as 21 students (91.30%).