

Oleh :
Dini Duwi Sukseswati - I0404032 - Fak. Teknik

KARAKTERISTIK SIFAT FISIK DAN KIMIA MINYAK HASIL PIROLISIS LAMBAT CAMPURAN SAMPAH KERTAS DAN DAUN Dini Duwi Sukseswati Jurusan Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia Email: cuex.bebek@ymail.com Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik dari minyak hasil pirolisis sampah kertas dan daun. Hal yang diteliti meliputi sifat fisik yaitu viskositas dan densitas dari minyak pirolisis, sifat kimia meliputi nilai kalor minyak pirolisis serta pengujian efisiensi kompor dengan menggunakan bahan bakar minyak pirolisis kertas dan daun. Penelitian dilakukan pada reaktor pirolisis tak kontinyu dimana pemanasan berasal dari luar. Variasi yang digunakan pada pengujian ini adalah temperatur dinding reaktor yang digunakan yaitu 250 ºC, 350 ºC dan 450 ºC, serta komposisi campuran sampah kertas dan daun yaitu 75% kertas - 25% daun, 50% kertas - 50% daun dan 25% kertas - 75% daun. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi suhu reaktor maka tar yang dihasilkan relatif meningkat, viskositas tertinggi minyak pirolisis diperoleh pada komposisi 25% kertas - 75% daun dengan temperatur 350°C sebesar 65 mm²/s, densitas rata-rata minyak pirolisis pada komposisi 25% kertas - 75% daun adalah 1140,33 kg/m³. Pada pengujian kalor, nilai kalor terbesar diperoleh pada komposisi 75% kertas - 25% daun dengan temperatur 450°C yaitu sebesar 11,59 MJ/kg. Pada pengujian kompor dengan bahan bakar minyak pirolisis, efisiensi tertinggi dicapai pada komposisi 75% kertas - 25% daun dengan temperatur dinding reaktor 450 °C yaitu sebesar 27,2%. Kata kunci: Pirolisis, Kertas dan Daun, Sifat Fisik, Sifat Kimia. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF PYROLYSIS OIL YIELD FROM SLOW PYROLYSIS OF WASTE PAPER AND LEAVES Dini Duwi Sukseswati Mechanical Engineering Department Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, Indonesia Email: cuex.bebek@ymail.com Abstract The aim of this research is to investigate the characteristic of alternative fuel obtained from slow pyrolysis of paper and leaves. The focus of this research is on the physical characteristics that is kinematic viscosity and density from pyrolysis oil, chemical characteristics that is heating value, and also the stove performance that using bio oil from slow pyrolysis of paper and leaves. In this research, pyrolysis of paper and leaves was performed in non-continue reactor where heat comes from outside, variation that used in this research was reactor wall temperature at 250 ºC, 350 ºC and 450ºC and blending composition of paper and leaves at 75% paper - 25% leaves, 50% paper - 50% leaves and 25% paper - 75% leaves. The experiment result indicated that the oil was increasing in a row of increasing reactor wall temperature, the highest value of kinematic viscosity was 65 mm²/s that obtained from 25% paper - 75% leaves with wall reactor temperature at 350ºC with average density arround 1140.33 kg/m³. The highest heating value was obtained from 75% paper - 25% leaves with wall reactor temperature at 450ºC was 11.59 MJ/kg. In the stove performance using bio oil from pyrolysis of paper and leaves, was measured by water boiling test (WBT), that obtained the highest thermal efficiency when using from 75% paper - 25% leaves with wall reactor temperature at 450°C was 27.2%. Keyword: Pyrolysis, Paper and Leaves, Physical and Chemical Properties.