

Oleh :
Febriana Primadesi - H0406035 - Fak. Pertanian

SUMARRY Febriana Primadesi. H0406035. 2010, “Motivation of Farmer in Beneficial Effort of hylocereus Sp. Plant in Bendosari District of Surakarta Regency”, Main Guide of Ir. Sugiharjo, MS and Accompany Guide of Emi Widiyanti , SP, MSi, Farming faculty of Sebelas Maret University of Surakarta. The development beneficial efforts of horticulture plant, especially fruits are mow mostly created by government. It couldn`t be denied in the large community that the need of fruits is increasing, whereas that fruits are meaningful food for the body. One of fruit which is mostly searched and consumed by societies is Hylocereus Sp. Fruit. It has a lot of privileges and lot of usage. One of region which develops beneficial effort of Hylocereus is Bendosari District of Sukoharjo regency. For seeing several internal and exsternal factor which motivates farmer and society in the beneficial effort of Hylocereus plant, so it is needed to be hold a research concerning to farmer motivation in beneficial effort of Hylocereus in Bendosari regency of Sukoharjo Regency. This research is performed in Bendosari District with using quantitative method. The choosing of sample is purposively in Bendosari District of Sukoharjo regency with consideration that the region is the only region of Hylocereus beneficial effort which is typical of society exposure under private institution. That is Pemuda Tani of Sukoharjo (PTS). Respondent is amount 60 respondents taken by using technique of census. While data which is used, are primary and secondary data. Category of farmer motivation in benecial efforts of Hylocereus Sp.plant is measured by using wide of interval. For knowing the relationship between motivation building factor and farmer motivation is used rank correlation test Spermann (rs). For testing level of significance , the relationship between motivation building factor and motivation, T test is used. Based on the result of the research, it showed that motivation of farmer in the region of research 88.33% in high level category. And it can be concluded that: there is significant relationship between farmer income with motivation of beneficial effort of Hylocereus in Bendosari District of Sukoharjo regency . There is extremely significant relation between formal education, non formal education , the large of field and social environment of the farmer with farmer`s motivation in the beneficial effort of Hylocereus Sp plantin Bendosari District of Sukoharjo regency. There is no significant relationship between age, economical environment, and government policy of the farmer wiyh motivation of farmer in the beneficial effort of Hylocereus Sp. Plantin Bendosari District of Sukoharjo regency.