The Effectiveness Of Public Relations Activities Of Pt. Telkom Kandatel Solo To Handle Complaints
Oleh :
Rinanda Gostya Alphaningrum - C9307075 -
2011. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University. The objective of this study is to describe the Public Relations activities of PT. TELKOM KANDATEL SOLO in handling complaints. In this report, a descriptive qualitative method is utilized. The techniques of collecting data were done through observation, interview, and library study. The observation was done by observing the subject directly. The interview was conducted by asking some questions to the internal and the external publics of PT. TELKOM DANDATEL SOLO. The library study was carried out by searching some information from the books, internet, and magazines. The data were analyzed to know the Public Relations activities of PT. TELKIOM KANDATEL SOLO in handling complaints and identify the reactions of the complainer on the responses of PT. TELKOM KANDATEL SOLO to their complaints. Based on the analysis, some conclusion could be drawn. The Public Relations officer of PT. TELKOM KANDATEL SOLO has done some activities in handling complaints, for example: collecting the accurate data about the complaints, checking the system and negotiating with the related division, and giving a solution and sending a letter of apology through the same newspaper. The complainers have many different reactions about the responses of their complaints; most of them are satisfied with the responses of PT. TELKOM KANDATEL SOLO to their complaints.