Using Pictures in Teaching Vocabulary for First Grade of Elementary School of SDN Malangjiwan 02 Colomadu
Oleh :
Amalia Nur Falahiyati - C9307104 -
2010. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University. This final project is written based on my job training as an English teacher in SDN Malangjiwan 02 Colomadu which was done for one and a half month. My observation object in SDN Malangjiwan 02 was the first grade students. This final project discusses using pictures in teaching vocabulary for first grade of elementary school of SDN Malangjiwan 02. During the job training, I did some activities by observing and analyzing the behavior of the students to collect the data. There were some steps of using picture to teach vocabulary. First step was opening, I began the class by praying together, greeting, checking the student’s attendance, singing a song. I gave the students some pictures from the last material to remind the students about the last material. The second step was the body. I used some teaching and learning techniques to help the students understand and interest to the lesson. One of the techniques was using picture to teach vocabulary. The third step was practice. I checked whether the students understand the material or not by practicing some activities. The last step was closing. It was reviewing all of the last material, giving homework, and parting. I gave some test to check the understanding of the students. The forms of test were objective and essay test that I gave after discussing the material. The problems in using pictures to teach vocabulary were: the students who made some noise, and the lack of time. The solutions for the problems in teaching vocabulary were: I gave a short verbal instruction and I just showed the picture for a few minutes to the students when I explained the material.