Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan konsumen untuk berbelanja di pasar klithikan notoharjo semanggi Surakarta
Oleh :
Maria Rina Puspita Sari - F0106054 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
The aim of this research is to analyze the relation between income, education, employment, age, price, sex and status of the consumer decision to shop in Klithikan Notoharjo Semanggi Surakarta market. The analysis method used in this research is Chi-Square analysis with SPSS programe.
The result of this research shows that the income variable related to the consumer decision to shop in Klithikan Notoharjo Semanggi Surakarta market with the Asym. Sig. value is 0,000 at 5% degree of confidence. The employment variable related to the consumer decision to shop in Klithikan Notoharjo Semanggi Surakarta market with the Asym. Sig. value is 0,000 at 5% degree of confidence. The age variable related to the consumer decision to shop in Klithikan Notoharjo Semanggi Surakarta market with the Asym. Sig. value is 0,001 at 5% degree of confidence. The price variable related to the consumer decision to shop in Klithikan Notoharjo Semanggi Surakarta market with the Asym. Sig. value is 0,028 at 5% degree of confidence. The status variable related to the consumer decision to shop in Klithikan Notoharjo Semanggi Surakarta market with the Asym. Sig. value is 0,028 at 5% degree of confidence. Meanwhile, the education and sex variable has no relation to the consumer decision to shop in Klithikan Notoharjo Semanggi Surakarta market.
Based on this research, the writer gives some suggestions. For the sellers in Klithikan Notoharjo Semanggi Surakarta market in order to increase in service to their consumer. For the official of Klithikan Notoharjo Semanggi Surakarta market in order to increase the cleanliness of Klithikan Notoharjo Semanggi Surakarta market so the consumer feel more comfortable to shop in the market. For the academic, there are still many restrictiveness. In this research that only covered the consumer decision based on the personal factors. Therefore, it needs advanced research that include the social, culture or psychology factors.
Key words: Consumer decision, Chi-Square