Keterkaitan antara Variabel Perceived Value, Customer Satisfaction, dan Corporate Image dengan Brand Loyalty, Repurchase Intention, dan Word of Mouth (Studi Kasus pada pengguna handphone Blackberry di Kota Surakarta)
Oleh :
Wahyu Widiarso - F1206126 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Keterkaitan antara Variabel Perceived Value, Customer Satisfaction,dan Corporate Image terhadap Brand Loyalty, Repurchase Intention, dan Word of Mouth
(Studi Kasus pada pengguna handphone Blackberry di Surakarta)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keterkaitan antara variabel perceived value, customer satisfaction, corporate image, brand loyalty, repurchase intention, dan word of mouth melalui studi kasus pada pengguna handphone Blackberry. Rumusan masalah yang diteliti adalah apakah perceived value berpengaruh terhadap customer satisfaction, dan corporate image, apakah customer satisfaction berpengaruh terhadap corporate image dan brand loyalty, serta apakah brand loyalty berpengaruh terhadap repurchase intention dan word of mouth.
Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat kota Surakarta yang menggunakan handphone Blackberry lebih dari satu tahun. Jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 150 orang.
Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan bantuan program AMOS 4.01. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa perceived value berpengaruh positif terhadap customer satisfaction dan corporate image, customer satisfaction berpengaruh positif terhadap corporate image dan brand loyalty, dan brand loyalty berpengaruh positif terhadap repurchase intention dan word of mouth.¬¬
Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dari setiap hubungan variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hal ini sesuai dengan hipotesis yang dibuat dan jurnal yang dijadikan sebagai acuan dalam penelitian ini. Saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya dapat dilakukan dengan obyek penelitian yang lainnya dan menambahkan hubungan antara corporate image dan brand loyalty. Bagi pemasar diharapkan lebih tanggap dalam merespon keluhan yang sering dialami oleh pelanggannya dengan tujuan mempertahankan tingkat loyalitas yang dimiliki pelanggan saat ini dan lebih memfokuskan promosi melalui media cetak mengacu pada mayoritas jawaban responden pada bagian open kuesioner.
Kata kunci : Perceived Value, Customer Satisfaction, Corporate Image, Brand Loyalty, Repurchase Intention, dan Word of Mouth
image, purchase intentions, wor
Relationship between Perceived Value, Customer Satisfaction,and Corporate Image to Brand Loyalty, Repurchase Intention, and Word of Mouth
(Case Study of Customer Handphone Blackberry in Surakarta)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is relationship between the perceived value, customer satisfaction, corporate image, brand loyalty, repurchase intention, and word of mouth through case study of costumer Blackberry brand handphone. Researchers saw that the growth of handphone products at this time quite rapidly and affected more and more consumer choice on the brand - a brand handphone on the market.
This study is causal with a survey method. The target population of this study were people who had used the Blackberry brand handphone in Surakarta. Samples taken from 150 respondents in which the sample is urban community in Surakarta who had used the Blackberry brand handphone more than one years.
Based on the analysis of structural models (SEM) to test the hypothesis in this study concluded that the perceived value has positive influence on customer satisfaction and corporate image, customer satisfaction has positive effect on the corporate image and brand loyalty, and brand loyalty influence positive effect on repurchase intention and word of mouth.
From the result of this research that there are positice relationship between each variable used in this research. This matter as according to hypothesis made and journal taken as reference in this research. Suggestion for the next research can be done by doing research with the other object and enhance the relationship between corporate image and brand loyalty. Expected for the marketers to listen more carefully when receive costumer complaint with a purpose to maintain the customer loyalty in this time and more focussed the promotion through the magazine to relate at majority of responder answer of open questionnaire.
Keyword : Perceived Value, Customer Satisfaction, Corporate Image, Brand Loyalty, Repurchase Intention, Word of Mouth