Hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan dan motivasi ibu peserta keluarga berencana dengan persepsi kesuburan setelah melahirkan di puskesmas klaten utara
Oleh : Yuda Yulia Kristiarini - S540809032 -
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship: a) the level of maternal knowledge of participants of Family Planning (FP) by the perception of fertility after childbirth in the area of Public Health Center North Klaten. b). Motivation participant mothers Family Planning (FP) by the perception of fertility after childbirth in the Health Center of North Klaten. c). Knowledge level of participants Mother And Motivation Family Planning (FP) by the perception of fertility after Childbirth in the Northern Territory health center Klaten in 2010.
Method :Design research is observation with cross sectional research design (cross sectional) and using a quantitative approach. Its population is 100 people with a sample of 80 people were taken by simple random sampling. Data collected by questionnaire, and the results of research are stated with a par with the scale interval and can be continued Regression double then Correlation double.
Result :Based on the results, mother's level of knowledge and motivation of family planning participants' perceptions significantly affect the fertility of women after delivery (multiple regression) got value Sig = 0.000