Myths, beliefs and values reflected in the 79th annual academy award’s night as an American populer ritual
Oleh :
Apriana Susanti - C0303013 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This research was conducted in order to describe the myths, beliefs and values reflected in The 79th Annual Academy Award’s Night and how those myths are reflected in the ritual. This is a library research which employs descriptive qualitative method. The primary data for this research are images seen from photograps of the Oscar Night and information from the Academy Award Rules and articles about the ceremony taken from the official websites of Academy Award www.academyawards.com and www.oscars.org. The secondary data are in the form of images seen from pictures and information taken from articles, journals and other related writings. To analyze the data, the researcher applied theories. They were American Popular Culture theory by J. Nachbar and K. Lause and Semiotic theory of Roland Barthes. Biographical approach was applied to understand the stage of life of the Oscar winner. The historical background of the Academy Award was also important in this research in order to gather more information about the ritual. The result of this analysis shows that there are four myths that are reflected in this ritual, they are myth of material success, myth of beauty, myth of endless abundance, and myth of romantic love.
The 79th Annual Academy Awards Night reflects myths in every part and details of the ceremony. In the preparation of the ceremony the 79th Annual Academy Award’s Night reflects the myth of success. Meanwhile the Red Carpet of the 79th Annual Academy Award reflects the myth of beauty, myth of romantic love, myth of material success, and myth of endless abundance. The bestowed ceremony of the 79th Annual Academy Award reflects the myth of material success. The judges and judging process of the Academy Award reflects the myth of success. The winner of the award reflects myth of material success. While the icon of the Academy Award, the Oscar statue, reflects the myth of success.