
Analisis Pengaruh Investment Opportunity Set (Ios) terhadap Return Saham Perusahaan (Studi Pada Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2005-2009

Oleh :
Khairunnisa Indah Ningrum - F0207080 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

The objective of this research is to examine influence of Investment Opportunity Set (IOS) toward firm’s stock return which is listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. This observation is aim to investigate IOS as a measurement of growth firm has effect with reaction of company market which responded by investors through firm’s stock return value. The type of this observation is an quantitive observation by using the secondary data during 2005 – 2009 period. The population used in this study covers all firms listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange with taking samples using purposive sampling method and accuired 125 firms during 5 years observation period. The proxies of Investment Opportunity Set (IOS) variable in this research are market to book value of asset ratio (MKTBA), market to book value of equity ratio (MKTBE), earning per share/price ratio (E/P) and capital expenditure to book value of asset ratio (CAPBVA). These proxies are correlated with firm’s stocks return that are surrogated by RETURN proxy using regression linear method with SPSS 11.00 software. The result of this research finds that : (1) IOS variable that are surrogated by MKTBA proxy has significant positive correlation with firm’s stock return, (2) IOS variable that are surrogated by MKTBE proxy has significant positive correlation with firm’s stock return, (3) IOS variable that are surrogated by E/P proxy has significant positive correlation with firm’s stock return, (4) IOS variable that are surrogated by CAPBVA proxy has insignificant positive correlation with firm’s stock return. From the observation result can be concluded that all of IOS proxies (independent variable) influence firm’s stock return (dependent variable) simultaneously. However, not all of IOS proxies (independent variable) influence firm’s stock return (dependent variable) separately (partial). Keywords : Investment Opportunity Set (IOS), return, market to book value of equity ratio (MKTBE), earning per share/price ratio (E/P) and capital expenditure to book value of asset ratio (CAPBVA).