
Teaching Grammar To Young Learners: Technique And Implementaion

Oleh :
Aris Jatmiko - C9307108 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT Aris Jatmiko. 2010. Teaching Grammar to Young Learners: Technique and Implementation. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University. I wrote this Final Project Report based on my experiences of doing the job training for two months in SD N 01 Kaliwuluh, from January 4th, 2010 to March st 1 , 2010. There, I got chance to be English teacher. I taught English to the first until the sixth graders. Nevertheless, I just took grade six as the class to discuss in this Final Project Report. This Final Project Report discusses the techniques I applied to teach grammar to young learners. Before teaching, I did some activities to collect data by doing an observation in the class and interviewing the headmaster to get more information about the school and to discuss the material that would be taught based on the syllabus. I performed teaching activity in four stages which are suggested by Penny Ur, in the book entitled “Grammar Practice Activities”. They were Presentation stage, Isolation and Explanation stage, Practice stage, and Test stage. The techniques I implemented in each stage were different from one to another. In the Presentation stage, I presented the materials through Text, Total Physical Response, Picture, Real Object, Game, and Song. In the Isolation and Explanation stage, I explained as clearly as possible what rules that govern the sentences I taught and gave the examples. In the Practice stage, I gave various exercises and asked the students to do the exercises both in the class and home. Meanwhile, in the Test stage, I gave tests in various test items.