
Perception Of The Customers Upon Services Provided The Division Of G.R.O In Lor In Business Resort And SPA

Oleh :
Maharani Dyah Megawati - C9306072 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT Maharani Dyah Megawati. C9306072. Perception of the Customers Upon Services Provided by the Division of GRO in Lor In Business Resort and Spa. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, UNS. The objective of this study is to describe, evaluate, and suggest an improvement for the negative perception of the customers upon the services provided by GRO of Lor In Business Resort and Spa. In this report, a descriptive qualitative method is utilized. The techniques of collecting data were conducted based on observation, interview, and library studies. The observation was done by observing the subjects directly. The interviews were conducted by asking some questions to the external public of Lor In Business Resort and Spa. The library studies were carried out by searching some information from books, newspapers and the internet. The data were analyzed to identify the perception of the customers upon the services provided by GRO of Lor In Business Resort and Spa. The interviews result showed that most customers feel satisfied and comfortable with services or facilities provided by Lor In Busines Resort and Spa. They found the services were complete and all the staffs gave good services to the customers. On the other hand, some of them still felt less satisfied with some of the services and facilities such as: Lor In is far from the downtown; technical problems such as room facilities, water faucet, was out of order; the concierge and the reception made the guests wait to be served because of the peak session. Lor In Business Resort and Spa gave some other solutions to serve them better such as giving them discounts for some certain facilities and more welcome drink to the guests and transportation services like taxi, to take them to the downtown quickly.