
The Activity of English Teaching and Learning in the First Grade of Smp Negeri 14 Surakarta

Oleh :
Suryo Dwi Nugroho - C9307159 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This final report project is written based on the job training in SMP Negeri 14 Surakarta. The aim of this final project report is to describe the teaching and learning activity as well as the problems and its solutions. The data was obtained through observation, interview and literature study. The observation was done in the class to know the condition of teaching and learning activity. The interview was done to the teachers and the students. Literature study was focused on comprehending related references. The results from the analysis show that the activity of teaching and learning consists of pre-activity, while-activity, and post-activity. During the activity, several problems come from both the students and the teacher. The problems coming from the students are grammar and vocabulary, influence of Indonesian language, and students’ laziness, unstable emotion, and interests. The problems coming from the teacher are lack of time and resources or supporting materials. The solutions to the problems require cooperation from the school, the teachers, and the students. More materials are needed to be added. Skill of teacher is necessary to be improved. It also needs to give understanding about importance of English to the students.