
The English Teaching and Learning Activities To The 2nd Grade in SDN Kabupaten 1 Klaten

Oleh :
Dwi Surya Atmaja - C9307118 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This final project is written based on the job training, which had been done by the writer on February 24th until June 3rd in SDN Kabupaten 1 Klaten. The purposes of this final project are to describe the English teaching and learning activies, to find out the difficulties in English teaching and learning, and to give possible solutions in English teaching and learning activity to the 2nd grade in SDN Kabupaten 1 Klaten. During teaching and learning process, there were some problems which aroused both teacher and students. The difficulties faced by the students were: pronounciation, grammar, and memorizing English words. The difficulties faced by the teacher were: uncooperative students, lack of vocabulary, and less creative to attract students’ interest. In the job training the writer used the Grammar translation method in teaching English. The writer focused on teaching pronounciation, grammar and vocabulary in the English teaching and learning process, because those are basic in learning English. Besides, the writer also gave the solution to solve the problems faced by the students and the teacher in the 2nd grade of Elementary School.